The main difficulties linked to KIDs production are:
- Data recovery,
- Data availability and quality,
- Systematic controls (completeness, accuracy, consistency, …),
- Product’s offer analyse: rationalization, simplification, repository product/investment support, …
- Profiling approach for unit-linked offer if too much funds are proposed,
- Several teams sought :Actuarial department, Investment compliance department, Product department, Project department, Marketing, Legal, …
- Litigation risk,
- Risk of misunderstanding by clients.
What Act-unity can do for you:
Support for actuarial department:
- Controls: validation of the different steps of calculation, consistency of developments with the regulation specificities,…
- Developments: the regulation classifies the assets into 4 categories that require different calculation methods to obtain the information to inscribe in the risk section of the KID. Our help can consist in:
- Presenting in details the 4 categories methodology, to avoid you to spend lots of time to read and understand the Regulation,
- Helping you to implement your PRIIPs solution by understanding your needs and developing the calculations,
- If necessary, helping you to analyse your portfolio to lead to choices of hypothesis.
Project management help:
- If the project isn’t already started, Act-unity can help you to have a view on the project as a whole:
- A summary of the Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) can be presented to the company and technical aspects can be explored,
- Act-unity can help you to analyse your business to determine the process.
- If the project is already started, Act-unity may constitute a reinforcement to face a punctual workload.